The Prices for Refurbished Samsung LED Screens S4/S5/S6/S7/S6 edge/S7 edge

If you are doing the business about Samsung LED screens such as S4/s5/s6/s6 edge/S7/S7/edge, you can consider to post them to China for selling or refurbishing. Our refurbishing prices are as below:

S4/S5: RMB60


S6 edge: RMB280

S7 edge: RMB400

Note 3/4: RMB50

Note 5: RMB60

The shipping fee is about RMB15-20 per piece. If you are interested in this business, please contact us. You also can consider to sell them to Shenzhen. The prices for S6 screen with broken top glass is RMB500, for your reference.


The Prices for Refurbished Samsung LED Screens S4/S5/S6/S7/S6 edge/S7 edge — 2 Comments

  1. please contact me I have 9 stores and having hard time to send them china for refurbish