The Equipment about How to Refurbish Phone LCD displays?

When you start a business about how to refurbish phone LCDs, you need to look for good equipments. I will introduce the main machines about how to refurbish phone LCDs.

First, the seperator machine:


You can see the separator machine in the above picture. When it works, you need to set the temperature about 70-80 celsius degrees. Then put the screen on the plate, wait for a while and the screens is warm, you can use the metal wire to saperate the LCD from the top glass. An air pump is needed, it can suck the screen on the plate when you work.


Secend, the Vacuum laminating machine


It is a machine to let the screen and top glass together, without bubble. There are some data is very important: the size, the pressure, the degree of vaccum, the time, the temperature. You need to set to good data when you use it. Always the factory will tell you how to use the machine. You can ask them the detail when you want to purchase it.

Third, the bubble removing machine


After the LCD and top glass together, there are some bubble in the screen. you need this machine to removing the bubble. The pressure and temperature are very important in this step.

Above these three machines are very important in the process of refurbishing Phone LCDs. Of course, there are some other good machine can help you improve your refurbishing speed. We will introduce them in the future post. You can add our web and see them in the future.

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